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Old 06-04-2001, 02:25 AM   #36

Join Date: June 1, 2001
Location: North Bay,Ontario,Canada
Posts: 177
Here's 3 items used to make the Underdark easier.

Bright Sword (Long Sword +3)

Benefits: - grants wielder invravision
- spell immunity: illusion
- cast sunfire 2/day
- cast sunray 1/day

Hindrances: - 10% chance of being blinded on each hit while on the surface

Useabe By: warriors, bards, and thieves
Requirements: int12, ws12, and chr12

Light Sword (Short Sword +3)

Benefits: - immune to sunfire
- wielder is immune to normal missles
- cast zone of sweet air 2/day
- cast prismatic spray 1/day

Hindrances: - 5% chance of a cloudkill spell centering on the character
if the target is missed

Useable By: Warriors, bards, and thieves

Requirements: str12, dex12, and con12

Sun Chain (Chainmail+3)

Benitits: - immune to stunning effects
- +2 chr bonus while wearing armour
- +10% mr
- bards make cast spells in armour
- thieves can still use skills

Hindrances: - cannot go invisible while in armour
- 5% chance wearer will be hit by the spell sol's
searing orb

Usable By: warriors, bards, and rogues

Requirements: - must be level 12 to wear armour

History: These three items were made by the bhaelnorn Systis some 500 years ago to prepare his nephew for the journey into the Underdark to battle the evil drow. All were hand-crafted by the lich with some help from his nephew whose name is Torius Shineblades. It took a full years to gain the materials needed, and to prepare for the actual ceremony. The items as a unit are known as the Undershine Three.
Over the years, Torius made great use of them battling drow all over the Underdark. He finally fell while fighting a dozen powerful drow that hailed from some city referred to only as Uth Natha. He killed 4 of them himself before perishing. None knows where the fighter/thief's magical equipment went, but surely the drow still have them? Or do they?

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