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Old 06-03-2001, 12:34 PM   #35

Join Date: June 1, 2001
Location: North Bay,Ontario,Canada
Posts: 177
Ring of Dwarven Kind

Powers: +1str, +2con, +2chr w/dwarves,-4 w/o races, proficiencies w/axes, and hammers,+1 to hit and damage, -1dex, +2ac, can NEVER attack a dwarf with it.

Requirements: Dwarves of any alignment
Non-dwarves who are lawful good
Elves may be lawful good or chaotic good
Not usable by sorcerers, or bards
Only elves can use it as mages(other mages cannot)

History: This ring was created just recently by the dwarven hero Volourn Honourblade as a gift for his best friend, and truest ally the elven mage Tymonn Rosefield. It was crafted in 1365 (less than ten years ago),and was blessed by the champion's goddess Berronar Truesilver as a symbol of Volourn's faithfulness towards her.
Unfortunately, in 1370 the two friends along with the rest of the Silver Gauntletwent on their last adventure never to be seen again. All anyone knows is that they were last seen looking for an infamous place known as Dragon Mountain. The ring, of course, disseappered with the heroes. None know if they died, or I still on their search.
The ring is made out of pure mithril (taken from Honourblade's homeland of Mithril Hall), and has a single pure sapphire in the shape of a dwarf untop. Many limitations (some complicated, and very specific) were powered into the ring with help from his goddess so enimies of thedwarves couldn't get their hands on it.
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