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Old 12-06-2000, 07:42 AM   #18
Bastet - Egyptian Cat Goddess

Join Date: March 1, 2001
Location: Sweden
Age: 50
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To Mr.Underhill!!
First of all, I want to applaude you! I espacially liked"drunkenly scribbled into from meeting nice young elven maidens in the tavern. " LOL
Well of course they donīt want to loose their progress of their spells. However i think that we can agree of that if you are out on trekking badies, you want the most potent of your spells in you book, i.e a travelling book that is optimize for the adventures ahead and all other spells they can find they take great care of. Have you read the Dragon lance sreies? Where on of the brothers Majorie, some time a aog so I canīt tell who was who but the mage one killed anyone over spells. Furthermore as to have a spell is builed up D&D is in a very fictionate way of describing spells since most of the hermetic traditions in all the world refer to magic as rituals that takes long tie to prepair and to cast.. For refernce check out the Necronomicon for spell descriptions. (OBS! Iīm no devil worshipper, heretic fanatic nor do I believe in it, I just jhave a great curiosity of the occult...) Well I hope you will sleep well and comtinue this discussion with me later on.
Best regards:
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