Thread: Red Herrings
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Old 11-16-2000, 04:44 PM   #5

Posts: n/a

An exploding character was the winner? Jeez, must have been the only entry. Can't have accumulated much experience either as Spontaneous Combustibles lvl 2 tend to be rarer than honest politicians . I agree, he was incredibly frustrating. I was hoping he would be referred to later in the game , but obviously not. Memnoch, if you think Armisael is patient, I pickpocket everybody I meet as well as checking all the boxes. Maybe I had a deprived/depraved childhood or I am incredibly anal(DON'T answer that ). NB I am glad I did pickpocket the genie outside the Dao-Djinn's tent, as the efreeti summoning bottle is very useful. I still haven't opened that DAMM box outside Spellhold and if I find that it was an Easter egg after I leave the island, I will turn into the Stalker and rip Black Isle's heads off! (I REALLY need to get out more)