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Old 11-15-2000, 06:24 AM   #4

Posts: n/a

I think that Kangaxx rates high, until you see the easy way(s) to beat him. I haven't finished yet, but this battle took me the longest to crack, as I didn't realize protection from magic/undead would make it so much easier. Those gits in the sewers were absolute swines but I definitely think that any mind controlling enemies are the worst! There is nothing more frightening than watching your hasted and magically protected tanks turn on you! I hate mindflayers! I was disappointed with the Dragons as I beat both Firkraag and the Shadow dragon first time, without casting magic resistance(I guess I like doing things the hard way). However, the toughest battle I have had was when I fought the Golems in the keep, as my party was very low level and I had forgotten that clay golems could only be hit by blunt weapons! Duh! Generally it seems that most battles are easy,... in hindsight. There is usually an approach that will minimize the risk and often eliminate it all together. The fun part is finding it. As a bit of a completist, I like to finish all sub-quests before moving on along the main path, so although I have only just reached Spellhold, I have only the Twisted Rune and the last part of my mage stronghold to complete in the quests journal. Consequently, my party is probably at a higher level than most at this stage, so battles are generally easy eg I killed the mind-controlled mage in Brynnlaw with one blow from my thief/mage, before his contingency spells had finished. However I am sure there will be quite a few shocks yet...