Thread: A True Thief
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Old 11-22-2000, 02:54 PM   #7

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if youre playin MP and if youve got an extra spot in your party why not make a human fighter and dual-class him right away, he'll go up levels REALLY fast, plus youll have enough cash/items to set him up real good, just leave him in the back for a while to let him get in on some XP so he can catch up, cuz we all know they level up fast as hell, plus all you gotta do if youre still in athkatla is go to the spell store, or the adventurers market, buy some scrolls and learn away!!! he'll get a few levels just form that and voila you got yerself a decent thief!!

then again if youre playin single player and dont have a thief, yer boned
so start over in MP
heh heh
takes a while to get a good party