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Old 10-27-2000, 01:27 AM   #3

Posts: n/a

I agree totally. Since when did the Son of Murder have to retrieve a teddy bear for a dead halfling?? Let him languish in eternal torment pining for his lost Littleman, I say!! (Except for the unfortunate fact that my lawful evil monk needs to get to 14th level and Quivering Palm so it is in his best interest to act as errand boy in this case.)

And that northern barbarian Hendak? Why, I heard that these Northmen are just a few DNA cells removed from yeti! Him begging me to free him is tantamount to an ox that has somehow managed to imitate human speech without comprehending its meaning begging me to free it from the yoke. (Listen to his grunting, 'tis true I swear!) My blood recoils from such a thing (but again, unfortunately, in my omnipotence I know that freeing him would lead to around 12000 XP and an additional XP-laden quest to clean out the slaver stronghold, PLUS a discount on future accomodation. Now compare that to 7500 XP for dobbing him in to Lehtinan and wiping the floor with his face. Oh, and Lehtinan gives you a discount on accomodation too. And I DO have to level up high enough to kick the ass of a seriously powerful mage.)

No wonder evil characters are so pushed around in the world, society does tend to favor the good, so good guys do have it easier.

In any case, I've decided that chaotic neutral is the way to go. Do what I want, when I want, the most important thing in the world is my happiness, whether that means putting a slimy scumbucket like Lehtinan out of business, letting that worthless poisoned loser Renfold die in the street, or making dear dead little halfling Wellin happy by cleaning my blade in Lynnis's stomach juices and giving him his cute little teddy bear back! Or perhaps I am just completely, totally and irrevocably insane...