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Old 10-26-2000, 07:50 PM   #1

Posts: n/a

I have a bunch of unfinished quests that need some cleaning up, I have tried just about everything I can think of to solve them but no luck. Hopefully someone here will be able to help me. Here goes ...

** Chapter 2 **
Kamir the Paladin - is there anything I can do for this guy?

** Chapter 3 **
The Dawn Ring - where the hell do I find the thief Travin?

Cult of the Eyeless - How do I kill the Empathic Manifestation? I need to know what spell to cast on him as I sold the scrolls from the pedistle behind him.

Paladin Duties - Is there anyway to reset a quest? I left Tyrianna's house before her uncle showed up, I have read that unless you stay there you are screwed. Maybe if I just kill her?

Dueling Families of Trademeet - Is this quest worth my time?

Thanks for your help in advance.