Thread: Golems
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Old 10-18-2000, 12:27 AM   #11

Posts: n/a

Heh.. you think stone and clay golems are tough. Wait till you pass through the Windspear Hills and run into the Admantium golem in the caves/tombs below. The only thing I could do was sneak past him with my thief, loot the rocks behind him for the goodies, and use an oil of speed potion to run right friggin past it. The golem can't fit through the doorway in the cave, so it stands there waiting for you to kill it right? wrong.. the thing has magic resistance, and every weapon seems ineffective. The ONLY damge I did to it.. was with the Horn Of Blasting, and it did 1hp damage. The two stone golems with it where easy to smash. If someone does know a way to kill that golem, I'd love to go back and try.