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Old 10-31-2000, 03:15 AM   #16

Posts: n/a

Pretty comprehensive, ok here goes:

Jaheira - Agree. I use her more like a fighter that heals. With the Staff of Thunder and Lightning and the Armor of the Hart she's actually pretty good. But her druid spells are shit IMO, i just load her up with healing spells and put a defensive cleric script on her.
Minsc - Agree. Second best fighter in the game after Keldorn. If he has the Warblade or the Vorpal he kicks major ass. Only problem is he doesn't have a quest!
Yoshimo - Thief who can take care of himself in melee but I ended up hiring casuals for my thief spot in my first game so to speak (Yoshimo, Imoen and Nalia all filled in).
Aerie - For some reason she just turns me off, statistically she's not that bad.
Edwin - Agree.
Jan - Tried him really briefly so don't really know.
Korgan - Agree, if he is dual wielding magical axes he is pretty powerful. Third best fighter in the game.
Viconia - Read my post on Viconia earlier. Outfit her with the Girdle of Hill Giant strength early and she can be a pretty kickass fighter with str 19 and dex 19. I had The Gorgons plate armor and the saving grace shield and her AC was like -8 or something. I gave her proficiency in flail and gave her the flail of ages. Levels up quickly and gets some killer level 6 and 7 spells. Plus her magic resistance 60+% really helps if someone dominates or confuses your party. I have her with lots of dispel magic spells when this happens. Plus she's sexy!
Valygar - Found him a bit redundant but then again i was a stalker first time i played. If they had made his kit an archer he would have been much better IMO.

Non-useful characters:
Imoen - Didn't think she was that bad. Agree that she's gone half the game so she can't level up as high as say Nalia or Jan. But I thought she was important in terms of the storyline, I would've felt funny dumping her so I used her as my supporting mage and thief with Edwin my primary caster. Her thief skills aren't that bad if all you need is to open locks and find traps. And who needs pickpocketing anyway?
Anomen - Actually trying to work out if he is of any use. I currently have THREE clerics in my group but i might dump him soon if his quest doesn't hurry itself up. He is disrespectful to Keldorn too.
Haer'Dalis - Enough said!!!!
Keldorn - I actually think he is the best fighter in the game WITH the Holy Avenger and Gauntlets of Dexterity. Without either he is pretty average. Would've been a lot better as a Cavalier or better yet an Undead Hunter against those vampires.
Nalia - worse than Imoen, only reason the have her is to get the Keep if you are a fighter. Interesting subquest though.
Cernd - I just used him as cannon fodder and kept him in his Loup Garou form the whole time I had him which wasn't very long. In theory as a Greater Werewolf only silver or gold weapons should affect him, right? So why is he taking damage from hobgoblin arrows etc. He should be impervious to even +3 magical swords. I remember BG1, fighting that Loup Garou in Ulgoth's Beard. Even my 2H sword +3 worlds edge wasn't doing any damage to it. Cernd would have been MUCH better if he was the same.
Mazzy - Waste of time.
