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Old 08-11-2004, 06:49 AM   #5
Red Dragon

Join Date: April 1, 2003
Location: The Midlands
Posts: 1,571
I am looking forward to starting W7, but like you I want to finish my current W8 game first, the only problem is I am moving house to a different part of the country so I have taken my computer apart and can't play now!! So not been able to do anything for about a month now, won't get it up and running until September, (Hope I won't forget how to play by then ;D)And then I hope my fiancée won’t mind me sitting playing
I have a mook as my Ranger at the mo, got a whip in other….er….paw?? for Vamp. Chain, might think about the giant sword but would have to start from scratch in the skill front.
I know what you mean about the hobbit!!
Smoke me a kipper...I'll be back for breakfast!!

If you can keep your head when all around are loosing probably haven’t grasped the situation!!
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