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Old 12-07-2001, 06:10 PM   #7

Join Date: April 6, 2001
Location: the desert
Posts: 2,296

don't worry bout your english. if someone can't understand you, they will make it clear!

besides, you're a fellow Taffer, we gotta stick together! i agree with you, sir-tech has shown a level of support for their game that is unheard of in the industry. and it really is an honor to associate with them.

one thing, tho, remember this... even if sir-tech can't do another Wizardry game, all those talented and caring people are NOT going to stop making games. and hopefully, their way of game making will affect the people they work with. it was the same with looking glass studios... most of them are now working with warren spector on thief 3 and those that aren't working with him directly, are on call to help. when a game is as loved as wizardry and thief are, they manage to live on, directly and indirectly.

no matter what happens to sir-tech the company, i am just as interested to know where and what the designers will do, because if they keep making games, i wanna know what they are, and where i can get them.


(i hope that makes sense. i tend to ramble.....a LOT. LOLOL! as you all well know!)
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