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Old 01-28-2002, 05:46 PM   #57
Zhentarim Guard

Join Date: January 28, 2002
Location: Dallas, Texas
Posts: 347
Originally posted by Xignal:
Added the Umpani-T'Rang Alliance Walk-Through.

Very nice. And one thing I learned the hard way -- once you enter the Rapax Away Camp, don't decide to stash your artifacts in a chest while you explore the camp. I did and when I reloaded that save a few minutes later, the camp was gone and so were the Chaos Moliri and Astral Dominae!

I ended up having to revert to a save from just before I entered the camp. Too strange.

Makes me wonder what would have happened if I'd entered without the artifacts, set a portal, returned to Arnika to get them from the chest where I was storing them and then portaled back in. Presumably I'd have gone from the clearing to the Away Camp, even though game-time I would only be gone a few minutes instead of the few days they would claim to be there.

Although it sure would make it easier to get to the prisoners if the Rapax were still hostile to you...
Jem :kitty1:
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