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Old 12-04-2001, 02:55 PM   #1
King Corben
Elite Waterdeep Guard

Join Date: November 25, 2001
Location: U.S.A.
Posts: 12
First and foremost, greetings fellow boarders! And a belated Thank You! to many of you for your unknowing assistance these last few (months?!?) as I have blundered through this impressively enormous game. [bows to; Dundee, Melusine, Whailor, Legolas, Galadria & the many other regs.]

General qualifying info (in case you wanted to know, and I was too lame to mention in the fist place);

I've played IWD thru once or twice and BGII up to Chap 6 (or so).
My current party started MP as a 'core' group of 3 and then I swapped 'em to SP (only for the speed issues)
Drake (me) = Human Berserker 9th/Mage 12th - various wpn prof.
Terriece = Human Ranger 9th/Cleric 10th - flail/mace/ham (tank)
Halk = Human Fighter 9th/Thief 12th - GM short bow/katana
(ok, so I like playing with power "" and versatility)
currently around chapter 2/3? and have all but 2 of the baldurdash patches (stronghold patches omitted for curiosity).
---weird note: my user name was my very first AD&D PnP character way too many years ago - had a flashback moment I guess [img]smile.gif[/img]

Well, as said I have lots of questions but I'll keep it to three for now. I'm sure some have been discussed, but since the search function doesn't seem to be operating... here goes;

Ok, this one's been really bugging me, what value (if any) does infravision have in this game?!? I mean... is it just me... or does it just *not* seem to have a purpose? (aside from making everyone red [img]smile.gif[/img]

possible spoilers ahead...
This question has been posed before, but I have yet to see very specific responses to it (ahem... of course I haven't *read* every single post either... but...)
Does anyone have a 'favorite' stronghold?... *and* ...if so, please explain why, if you would be so kind.

I have only aquired the De'Arnise (sp?) Keep and have enjoyed it for the little domestic problems that come up. The priest you get, (although a blacksmith and a shopkeeper would be even cooler IMHO [img]smile.gif[/img] and being attacked (cool!) - I also have obtained the Sphere. Ok, I give up, are they all destined to die or what? lol - if you don't spoil me I'll just be reloading for the next few weeks, so go ahead.

Ok, last one. I really miss being able to put characters on 'gaurd' (all characters in IWD can) am I missing something? If not, then I am prompted to ask *why* not? Please tell me it wasn't just another arbitrary nerfing for greater "game balance"

Oops, that's four huh? - a bit of Monty counting there? Oh Well, I think I've tormented you all enough for now - I'll have more later (I have a list [img]smile.gif[/img] ) Thank you all again, this time in advance!
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