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Old 06-05-2007, 07:29 AM   #1
Symbol of Cyric
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This one is aimed at people who are unfamiliar with Dungeon Craft. If you don't know what DungeonCraft is, its a game that is being created in the style of the old SSI Dungeons and Dragons Goldbox games, and its successor FRUA (Forgotten Realms Unlimited Adventures) which let you design your own goldbox-style games. The FRUA game drew a modest fan base, and people were making and distributing games (and even hacking the code to make more options available, as the "unlimited" part was still fairly limiting...)

Now, DungeonCraft is already better than what FRUA was, and is going to be what FRUA should have been all along... Its got more options and better control over the adventure making process, its being made by an awesome programmer who takes the suggestions of the people and makes them happen, and features much better art capabilities. Best of all, its 100% FREE!!!!

To get an idea of what DC is, check out the web sites (and Download it, if you want):
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