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Old 03-16-2004, 10:43 PM   #6
Symbol of Cyric
Burger Time Champion
Join Date: September 10, 2001
Location: USA
Age: 47
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Well, with all the RL stuff going on (move 1/2 way across the country, adjusting to this new area/job/ everything with a move like this, and on top of that my computer DIED sometime during the move) I haven't been too active. However, I say "too" active (if that's possible) because I still have been trying to get my project going. The repairs are going on as I write this, so who knows?... you won't see me but you may hear my voice in the shadows once again...if you listen carefully.

Seriously, tho, I've been playing with a lot of resources (when my computer lets me) that'll help me with a lot of projects. I've been playing with sound programs, paint shop pro (with animation shop) and some screen capture stuffs

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