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Old 01-03-2004, 05:22 PM   #9
Takhisis Follower

Join Date: January 7, 2001
Location: Mandurah, West Australia
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I am of the opinion his early stuff is his better stuff. Magician was only ever marketed as one book over here - I know it was marketed as 2 in the US - Apprentice and something else - Master presumably. I couldn't use my copy to check this because I have replaced the tattered 20 yr old paperback with a hardback copy of the "revised edition". In that one, Feist names the books "Pud and Tomas" and "Milamber and the Valheru".

I understand from what you have posted that you have read much of the later stuff but have not read all of the original Rift War Saga. Your question regarding Macros is best answered at the end of the saga. It sounds like you still have Silverthorn to read, and the book that gives you your answers about Macros's deceptions is the final book called "A Darkness at Sethanon". In that book, Pug and Tomas journey to find Macros the Black.

I would recommend you read those two books to complete the saga. I am reading his latest books, and they are a reasonable read, but not as captivating as the early stuff was some 20 years ago.
Davros was right - just ask JD
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