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Old 11-05-2002, 06:29 PM   #90
20th Level Warrior

Join Date: November 3, 2001
Location: Texas
Age: 54
Posts: 2,830
That evening, Galadria called a meeting before dinner. As usual, she sat in her carven chair at the great round table, but she set Sefa opposite her, where Noemi usually sat. Noemi, who knew something of what was going on, sat down next to her sister, and Chorania and Attalus found themselves places.
"Sefa," Galadria began rather formally, "I want to tell you that your father was here, today."
"Here?" Sefa gasped, "How did he find me? What does he want?" In her confusion, she did not even remember Snurll's name.
"That," her mistress replied, "I do not know and shall certainly try to find out. But, before I proceed, I want to know your views. You are my apprentice, certainly, but how you feel matters a great deal to me. So, what do you want me to do? Do not answer quickly, but think it out, and decide how you truly feel."
Sefa sat awhile, conscious of all their eyes. Finally, she answered. "I do not know, my lady. I suppose that I am curious about him, how he looks, how he acts, and I am certain that I have questions for him. But, I have not changed my mind, I would not want to leave here for anything."
Galadria's eyes went to Noemi, who shrugged. "I dunno, Gal," she said, "What harm could it do for her to meet him? And ask her those questions that she wants to? I'd like to meet my mother, if she were still alive."
"If Sefa wants to meet with this thief," Chorania's violet eyes sparked., "let her. But, I can understand her reluctance. I would not see my mother or any of my sisters again for all the jewels of the Tethyr. Some things are best left undisturbed."
Attalus responded to his wife's look. "I don't know, Cho," he slowly said, "If one of your sisters or, Helm forfend, your mother, were to show up at our front door, wouldn't you be curious? At least enough to find out their intent? I can't see you sulking in the chapel while Galadria interviewed one of your kin. Sulking, in my experience, is seldom a wise course. Finding out every last scrap of information about possible foes, is."
"Attalus, I never sulk," Chorania snapped in response. "The situations are not comparable at all. My mother," she pretended to spit, "and my sisters are drow. For them to leave the Underdark would be extraordinary, and you know it. Not so this sneak who is free to come and go as he pleases. I do not trust thieves, or anyone to whom their daughter is less important than some speck of reputation or loot. Like my mother and sisters." She glared down her finely-shaped nose at the knight, who looked repentant.
"Cho, I said that I couldn't see you doing it," he replied mildly. "All I am saying is that we might find out something about this man, and I do not see how we would be giving up some advantage. I mean, if he wanted to see what Sefa looked like, all he would have to do is watch this house, you know how she comes and goes. If Sefa actively hated him, then I would say, why put her through it? But, she seems more curious than anything else, correct, Sefa?" He shifted his gaze to the girl.
"Yes, Lord Attalus," she slowly replied, "I do confess that I am curious. My main fear is that he would somehow force me to come with him, like by putting a spell on me. But if my Mistress were there, I do not think that he would dare."
Pleased, Galadria added, "And with Cho to ward you, I do not think that we would fear that. I really do not think that he is such a great wizard, I did not detect that much power in him. I suspect that what power he has is tied to some artifact, some ancient thing that he somehow acquired, that gives him access to the higher magics. But, we shall see. At any rate, Sefa, do not worry about that. I will tell you now that I shall not permit you to leave with him, even if you seem willing. For," she added with a smile, "you are after all my apprentice, owing me several years more work, and I shall not let him buy you off. Is that sufficient?"
"Indeed, yes, Mistress," Sefa replied gratefully. "That removes the only reservation that I had. I will meet with him, if you and Lady Chorania are there to protect me."
"Protect you, indeed," Chorania cried as she reached over to ruffle Sefa's hair. "You are supposed to be turning into a fearsome mage in your own right, young mistress. I find this timidity strange, so unlike your usual self. If you want to confront your sire, do it with your spine stiff. I shall use you as an example and think of some things to say to my mother, were she and I to meet again, which Helm prevent."
"Hey, Cho," Noemi chirped, "let me ask some of them. I've always wanted to talk to your mother."
"M'zint to," Chorania answered grimly, "little joy would you have of the meeting, I assure you."
Galadria laughed. "When you think of those things, Cho, tell me, and we will see if we can come up with answers to them. Well, I suppose this is settled. The man will be back in three days, and I will set up an," she coughed, "interview."

[ 11-05-2002, 06:30 PM: Message edited by: Galadria ]
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