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Old 06-14-2004, 04:32 PM   #93

Join Date: September 15, 2002
Location: Denmark
Age: 43
Posts: 513
Originally posted by StigTC:
Originally posted by Ziroc:
1. What level did this happen on?
Every level beyond Skullport.

2. What were you doing at the exact moment this bug/error showed up?
Switching away from my weapon with true seeing.

3. Describe the error/bug/mistake:
All monsters turn invisible, and I do mean ALL.

4. Is your character good or evil?
Lawful Neutral.
One fine day in the middle of the night, two dead boys got up to fight, <br />Back to back they faced each other, drew their swords and shot each other. <br />The deaf policeman heard the noise, and came and shot those two dead boys. <br />If you don\'t believe this joke is true, ask the blind man, he saw it too!
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