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Old 05-18-2006, 06:39 PM   #8
Symbol of Cyric

Join Date: January 31, 2005
Location: Mississauga (Toronto), Ontario, CANADA
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Leonard Nimoy's voice acting skills are not enough to convince me that you are always right, RTB. *snickers* By the way, I happened to love the original Megatron. And yes, I DO own two Transformers T-shirts while listening to the latest track by Gnarls Barkley, "Transformers."


I win.

And so does the latest rendition of Soundwave from the most recent version of the cartoon.

By the way, I was wearing the Autobots T-shirt while making this post without even noticing.

Back to the topic at hand: I would DEFINITELY purchase this module without even thinking about it if it were coming out in a compilation disk. I myself have never played any of Elidrin's previous works, but I may go to look them up now just to see what I can expect. Apparently the actual models themselves can be stripped from this new module and used in various *.hak files, but the tilesets, the *.2Da files and the *.Set files will all be locked down for the long haul (until the next patch comes out). So you have to wonder if they now have a specific model for Halaster, will other well known denizens of Waterdeep and the surrounding area also have models just for them?

I, for one, am waiting to see Ziroc's rendition of some of the characters, such as Elminster, Durnan, and Khelben Arunsen. I do believe he mentioned he was doing customized models for the trio, if not other characters as well. I am just hoping that all goes well with the final touches for the module before he puts up the newly expanded creation before us.

[ 05-18-2006, 07:02 PM: Message edited by: Mozenwrathe ]
There are no paths to power which are not fraught with confrontation. No matter the battle, a lesson must be won. In the end, the path shall fade into nothingness for the one walking it, but may go on for eternity for those whom choose to follow. One must know their own footsteps before taking that first step, or instead of choosing your battles, your battles will choose you.
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