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Old 02-12-2006, 07:31 AM   #9

Join Date: December 10, 2003
Location: OP, KS
Age: 50
Posts: 489
To keep things easy, I'd say stay with any of the classes that have the highest BAB - those being fighter, ranger, barbarian or paladin. SOU does have a small side quest for a holy avenger if you are a paladin, and you get access to a limited amount of spells as well as some nice bonuses (better saving throws, immunity to fear & disease, etc.). Go for Rangers if you want to dual wield and have spells. Fighters get more feats and weapon specialization, barbarians get rage. When I first played through the game I went with a cleric and found managing all my spells somewhat cumbersome. Once you know what you're doing, they can dominate.

One other class I might recommend for your current character(if you're not evil) is a Champion of Torm. Basically like a fighter for the first 10 levels - bonus feat every 10 levels, plus saving throw bonuses every 2 levels (+5 to all saves after 10 levels). You probably won't have enough charisma to take advantage of divine grace or lay on hands, but the extra feats and saving throws are worth it. Once you get past level 10, go back to barbarian.
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