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Old 02-01-2006, 02:39 PM   #1
Symbol of Cyric

Join Date: January 31, 2005
Location: Mississauga (Toronto), Ontario, CANADA
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I am always nagging our fav. module builder here Ziroc about henchmen. so I need to know something about all this - a few things in fact.

1) how hard IS it to create a basic henchman? (remember, I know nothing more about the toolset except it exists)

2) what are the best ways to create henchmen to be used in various modules? (I have seen around... ten to twenty builds of henchmen on

3) is it wisest to create henchmen only items, or just have the henchmen start off with really basic things and have the PCs equip them? (I would surmise this is really a module-based question, but let's assume the standard hack and slash variety - such as Escape From Undermountain or Diablo: The Lord Of Terror.)

4) what are things to avoid when creating a henchman for the first time?

5) how does one rip the henchmen originally found in the campaigns as created by Bioware? would it be far better to simply go about making a reasonable duplicate instead as accessing the specific voice sets for the original henchmen is a pain in the petard?

6) I have heard there are ways to make PCs into henchmen files? is this true? if it is, how would I go about doing that?

7) finally, in most of what I have found myself, there is all this information about leveling up the henchman. what if you do not wish to do that, and have them as a set level permanently? is there anything one should be looking for to change/delete/add?

For example, I did find this rather interesting piece of work, but I can barely understand it:
There are no paths to power which are not fraught with confrontation. No matter the battle, a lesson must be won. In the end, the path shall fade into nothingness for the one walking it, but may go on for eternity for those whom choose to follow. One must know their own footsteps before taking that first step, or instead of choosing your battles, your battles will choose you.
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