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Old 07-12-2005, 04:22 AM   #6

Join Date: December 12, 2001
Location: Fryslân, The Netherlands
Age: 44
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>I assume that by "smiling dragon head" you mean Tymofarrar's skull? You can use it to convince Deekin that his old master is dead. If you've already gotten the tower statue off him by other means, the skull is useless.

The playing cards are in the possession of some kobolds in the basement of a house in Hilltop. It's up on a ledge behind the halfling caravan, I believe it's denoted on your map as "Old Farm" or somesuch.

The dragon egg can be sold to either the hermit in the High Forest (for cash) or to Szaren the Red Wizard (if you let him set up shop in Hilltop; from him you can get either cash for it or a reasonably useful item).
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