Thread: arcane classes
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Old 11-25-2004, 02:30 PM   #8
Jack Burton

Join Date: March 31, 2001
Location: The zephyr lands beneath the brine.
Age: 39
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I'd love to, TDC. The only problem is, I have no level 40 wizard ready. I do have a level 34 sorcerer, with whom I will gladly lose to prove the point [img]tongue.gif[/img]
The trick for the wizard is to end his opponent's life before he runs out of spells. The advantage of the varied spell selection is that it lets them get round the incomplete defenses of the sorcerer no matter what these are, whilst keeping their own defences complete.
The sorcerer on the other hand uses something more like brute force to try and break through the shields, which is both predictable and preventable. The alternative is counterspelling, which is where the wizard's feats and skills will win the day.

Clerics can get their buffs up in time. Fast as they might be, the monk will need to hurry to beat the Greater Sanctuary (or Improved Invisibility, or both). Failing that, the monk will simply have to wait until the cleric is ready to strike. And with Divine Power, Divine Favour, and all the other buffs, AC 30 is peanuts to a level 40 cleric (although monks can do much better than that).

As for Spell Resistance, suppose the monk took 10 feats to improve this. That would put it at SR 70. Properly built and used wizards can pierce SR 75 without trouble.
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