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Old 05-16-2004, 08:38 PM   #1
The Magister

Join Date: September 23, 2003
Location: Colorado, USA
Age: 36
Posts: 108
I was on my creator race quest and I got done with it and notice these things in my inventory that I didn't bothered to examine. I have some questions about these stuff.

I found this troll head that mentions some guy named Lenton that would reward me for it. I found Lenton at the archelologist place. I tried to talk to him, but he keeps hitting the dummy. How do I even talk to him?

I found this book in this corpse. It had some book named Synth La'neral. Is this book of any importance?

More questions...I found these body parts of creatures in these throne chair like things. There was a fire beetle belly, slaads tongue, and bodak tooth. These items belong to leaders of goblins, orcs and this one other creature. Do they have any importance?

Last question I hope. I found this item in the creator race ruins. It's called a prism blosson seed. What's it suppose to do?
“Be careful about reading health books. You may die of a misprint.” <br />-Mark Twain<br /><br />“If there are no stupid questions, then what kind of questions do stupid people ask? Do they get smart just in time to ask questions?” <br />-Scott Adams
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