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Old 09-10-2003, 06:14 PM   #1
Dungeon Master

Join Date: June 19, 2002
Location: USA
Age: 54
Posts: 52
I finally finished the OC with my lvl 16 monk and Boddyknock as a henchman. Together we were quite tough to beat.
I was actually disappointed at how easy Klauth the Red Dragon was in Ch. 3. Here I was expecting the fight of the game, but I don't think he put a scratch on me. Granted, I didn't do much damage to him either- Boddyknock's Cone of Colds or Ice Storms- whatever- did most of the job.
Aribeth was easy but Maugrim gave me pause- I had to use a few Heal potions. I was set to fight Maugrim multiple times because of his flesh golems, but there may have been a mistake because he didn't respawn at all, I killed him and the two fleshies and was done(?) Well, it was into the source stone for me. I must say I was surprised by the two(!) guardian Dragons! By the time the Silver had killed Boddyknock, I was nearly done with the Copper. I did use a few Heals, but the Silver went down too. The only hard part with Morag's inner sanctum was that Boddyknock burned most of his spells on the first group of her chosen, so he didn't have much left for the final battle. Like the Conclusion to Ch. 1- no rest or teleport in the inner sanctum! So I buffed up with potions and went in. After getting killed once by the Guardian statue and another time by one of her summoned fighters, I finally did it. Smash the statue- kill the two summoned fighters- target the worshipper that Guards against blunt(monk's fists) then take Morag out easily. She even used time stop twice, but didn't seem to do much with the extra time it gave her.
Anyway, glad to be done at least on Normal, will try a harder level next time and of course, other characters. Next, though, I need to finish SoU with my Rogue/Ranger/Shadowdancer.
I would like to hear others' impressions of the final battle(s).
Heatmiser<br /><br />The Truth is a river where the strong can swim in deep,<br />and the weak and the broken can walk across so easily. - Caedmon\'s Call
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