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Old 07-04-2003, 08:25 AM   #1

Join Date: January 29, 2003
Location: Sweden
Age: 43
Posts: 3,888
I have a few questions regarding this multiclass:

1. From a roleplaying point of view, is this an generally accepted class combination or is it something every DM with self-respect would ban immediatly? I'm thinking in the line of online play, some PW's out there emphasizes on role-play more than pure action.

a. The manual says that if a Paladin changes alignment from LG to anything else he loses the ability to level up until his alignment is LG once more, does he loose his Paladin abilities as well or only his the ability to level up?

b. Law/chaos alignment change isn't implemented in the Official Campaign right? But if a mod out there allows this change would the effect of such change be the same as if the Paladin just lost the "level-up-ability", in other words would going from LG to CG have the same effect as going from LG to LN ( or even worse LE?)

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