Thread: I want a buddy!
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Old 09-27-2002, 05:46 PM   #14
The Magister

Join Date: June 18, 2002
Location: My sunny terrace
Age: 44
Posts: 110
I am a Druid and am good in party situations. I tried solo in an online environment but much prefer to pick a group or team somehow also. There are more then enough fighter types out there and if you are a spell caster like myself just stay behind them . They will blaze your way well into alot of the mods online. But becareful everyone kind of size's up everyone else so watch the pvp areas. And whatever you do Don't hit one trying to emulate, they are all fighter and sometimes adrenilian runs a little strong.

Just the other night Laura Croft and I beat the "spawns of hell" mod together. We hailed each other and left. Very tough battles and we couldn't have done it without team work. Remember to use your forces for good and have fun!

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