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Old 09-19-2002, 06:59 AM   #9

Join Date: May 16, 2001
Location: Estonia
Posts: 532
Chest has pretty high DC, for the char levels at that stage anyway, some 34 or 35. It has pretty strong trap on it as well, can burn the henchmen easily. Tomi didn't want to open it, he didn't even say a word when I "used" the chest and found out it's locked. Trap was dicovered, but Tomi said "Eh, sorry, no can do". Good enough signal for me - went back some ways, told Tomi to stand the ground and then tried the chest. Burned nicely.

When you look in the Toolset, the chest is also marked as "Plot Item" interestingly. It has usual treasure script to it, not the worst but not the best either. In any case, if you miss it, it isn't so bad.
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