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Old 07-10-2002, 09:55 PM   #10
Drizzt Do'Urden

Join Date: March 9, 2002
Location: california
Posts: 613

did you guys know dragons dont really shoot fire.
did you also know they didnt exist....
in a fictional story creators create such specific heroes like drizzt
as a legendary figure. you my freinds arent as legendary as drizzt is.
maybe your char just cant specialize like he can. how do items give the char darkvision and what not? maybe one of drizzt's items he has on makes it so he retains his drow powers.

hell in the game you can make your char heavy set or medium build. either way they still carry the same amount of stuff if they have the same strength.

maybe they set up the game in such a way that they wanted it to play like that. and yes in a REAL life situation regardless of amount of "damage" you take a scimitar would easily kill any body. and in real life any long blade can be vorpal style. and kill with one hit.
how is it dragons and other high lvl bosses are immune to vorpal attacks?
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