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Old 07-09-2002, 01:43 PM   #162
Ironworks Moderator

Join Date: February 28, 2001
Location: Boston/Sydney
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Originally posted by tegoyo:
On last time to Yorick: If you programm a game like what you described, I would play it if its good, if not I ignore it (no misunderstanding here, I ignore it because it is a bad game.) Its games, man, and out there are tons of games that put people in a box. I think by now you are just making a fool of yourself by not droping the subject. You got your letter from bioware, what else? Start a war?Stop bioware from developing games?
I thought that this topic had finally achieved some sort of closure - thiefprowess had finally agreed to respect Yorick's right to email Bioware even if he didn't agree with it or think it would do any good - which is a mature thing to do.

As far as I can see, you're just parroting what thiefprowess said, tegoyo - you haven't contributed anything new to this thread. In fact all you seem to be doing is continuing to propagate a point of view that was put forward by thiefprowess about 5 pages ago in the interest of continuing an argument which has already been resolved. Thiefprowess has agreed to disagree with Yorick and move on to other things. I suggest you do the same.

We live in a democracy, people - if people want to email game designers to raise concerns with aspects of the game, LET THEM. They have the right to do that. Continually arguing with them for doing that is like harrassing people who are trying to vote in an election just because you think voting is a waste of time. Not only are you being negative and pessimistic about trying to change things, you want to bring other people down to your level of negativity when they want to try and do something positive. I'm amazed, really.

I think everyone here has well and truly had their say - let's all move on. Everyone has the right to disagree with other people's posts - but repetitive bitching and whining because the other person didn't agree with you is not welcome here. Say your 2c and move on when it becomes obvious you're not going to agree with that person. Life will not end just because you can't get them (or others) to agree with you.

[ 07-09-2002, 01:51 PM: Message edited by: Memnoch ]

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