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Old 08-05-2000, 04:34 PM   #1

Posts: n/a

Like everyone else here, I am holding my breath for the release of Neverwinter Nights. It seems like it's so far off that it will never get here.

I won't bother you with why I think it is a great game, I think you all already know what is going to make it great.

I am curious though about something else.....

I recently read about a game called "Aeropa: The fall of the Covenant", which according to the article will have many of the same features that Neverwinter Nights is promiseing (ie: A game editor, direct GM interaction, online play etc). The only thing that sets it apart is it is set in a matriarchal society. The blurb says "where women are royalty and men are slave", unless this is a F(eminist)R(ole)P(laying) (G)ame, I think the setting for the game is taken out of context? Otherwise it may suffer from limited appeal...

anyway has anyone else heard or read anything about it? I am curious to know how it will stack-up against Neverwinter Nights.
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