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Old 10-17-2006, 12:48 PM   #17
Dungeon Master

Join Date: December 19, 2005
Location: Michigan, USA
Posts: 60
A character that was a bard can still play an instrument. I have an Assassin that plays just fine.

Switching to another class to get more spells is fine as long as you have all the high level spells that you want. The exception is if the new class is also "native" to the spell group. You may want to change to the Warlock class later so that you can get any spells that you have missed from all the spell groups. The Zenmaster at the end of the game also has this advantage but that may be too late. Spells that are in the first 3 levels are easy to get but above that it is harder.

I also just sell the spell books but I don't worry about getting all the spells anymore since I know what spells I will need and what spells I will never use so I can ignore them.

Spells that I find I miss if I don't have them are:
Illuminate, Incinerate, Firestorm
Lightning, Lavawalk, Meteorstorm
Great Heal, Restore Health, Resurrect
Cure Poison, Cure
Create Portal, Teleport, Call of Home, Icestorm.

Potions and scrolls can be uses in place of some of these.

Funny I can not think of any Fiend spells that I need.

Most of the time there is one spell in each level that I get first and the others I would not miss except for the 6th and 7th level Moon spells (but I frequently go though Bard and Ninja). Let me know if you want this list. Later in the game it is really easy and fast to go through the first 8 levels in a new class to get spells. In fact sometimes it is hard to only go up one level at a time, which is necessary if you are training in the spell group's craft skill.
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