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Old 05-09-2005, 03:58 AM   #7
Red Dragon

Join Date: April 3, 2001
Location: Prague, Czech Republic
Posts: 1,586
It depends on what you are meaning by the word "can" [img]smile.gif[/img]

1. The regular way to the second part of the map goes through the Shrine. It's the only regular way there. But you can also vanish through rhe forest to the right from the shrine there. Also, you need not the Staff of Power when you want to get into the shrine, you can vanisch behind the magical lock.

2. But there are several quests which you should do before you enter the second part of the map. See the posts above. The quests aren't critical for the game but they are important for your guild level in the guilds.

Especially critical are the Bushi Dojo quests. The Enlightement trait is guild level 6 trait so that you need to reach guild level 6 if you are planning zenmasters in your party. Therefore:
(a) Enter the Shrine with "Kill the Darkened One" quest. Kill that beast, return to the guild, and gain a guild level (it should be level 5).
(b) Take the "Kill Bloodbeard" quest. Bloodbeard is right behind the Shrine and you will meet him no matter whether you use the way through the shrine or the vanishing through the forest method. Now, it does not matter how you reach Bloodbeard. Kill him, return, and get guild level 6.
My name is Demon\'s Last Day. Yes, the last one.
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