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Old 04-18-2005, 03:44 AM   #2
Red Dragon

Join Date: April 3, 2001
Location: Prague, Czech Republic
Posts: 1,586
1. The Pastolio bug. Wait! Pastolio will continue talking nonsense and give you bags of writs but, in the end, he will let you in (or out) as you wanted.
Therefore, don't panic, if you want enter the Mines and Pastolio tells you that he will let you out or if he wants to see your writ after your having put it into the drawer. Wait. You will get several writs but you will pass in the right direction.
It happens sometimes, that Pastolio opens the Mines but then he closes it immediately. Continue waiting. He will usually open the mines again later If waiting does not help and Pastolio does not seem to open the Mines then give him one of the writs and try again.

2. The Pick Axe. I've never seen the problem You should be able:
(a) Use the pick axe. Activate "use" on the button menu. Scroll the list until it displays the pick axe. Target the ore pile and click.
(b) "Attack" with the pick axe. Equip the pick axe, activate "fight" on the button menu. Target the ore pile and click.
My name is Demon\'s Last Day. Yes, the last one.
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