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Old 02-03-2004, 08:03 AM   #1

Join Date: July 10, 2001
Location: By a big blue lake, Canada
Age: 50
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Wylf solved this really. Everyone that is running this wonderful game on Windows 2000/XP is familiar with the virtualdub fix. Now wouldn't it be nice to be able to play this game without decompressing those files every time you install it? It's indeed possible. What we are lacking is an old codec called CRAM, also referred to as MSVC or Microsoft Video 1. This old codec came with Windows 95/98 but not with later versions. Wylf installed Ace mega codec pack, and I checked it out. Sure enough, Microsoft video 1 was in there. However the codec pack is > 20Mb and you only need one out of 75 codecs or so.

Now howabout we all try and locate a stand-alone version of this codec. If we can find it we have the necessary codec for playing the townavi files. [img]smile.gif[/img] Unfortunately the Windows media player codecs contain the codec but it is locked to the media player and can't be used by other programs on Windows. I've looked around on the net but I have been unable to find it. Perhaps someone else will have better luck than I did.
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