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Old 02-02-2004, 01:07 PM   #27
Ironworks Moderator

Join Date: January 7, 2001
Location: Rural Paradise, MI
Posts: 5,701
Slightly Off Topic side comment:

It never takes a new poster to our board long to figure out that we're friendly and helpful, that we don't engage in flamewars and no question is consider silly/stupid/redundant/etc. What we've created here is an atmosphere of friendly respect for all who join us. Because there are so many board out there on the web which are just the opposite, we tend to be protective.

It does sometimes take a little while for us regular posters to get to know the newer ones and for them to get to know us. Occasionally we can seemingly get off to a rough start but I hope everyone noted and took pride in how quickly our most recent rough start has been resolved!

Kudos to you all!!

People really do want what we are offering: friendly help! Having found it here, they'll take good care of it just as we all do.

End of side comment, back to the regularly schedule questions and answers.
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