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Old 10-29-2003, 05:25 PM   #7
Welcomed New User

Join Date: October 26, 2003
Location: Ruse, Bulgaria
Age: 44
Posts: 2
Hi to all of you, too!
This has been the first (and probably the last) forum that i've been greeted so warmly. Makes me feel... kind of... I don't know. Cool
Ok. Now to the point.

Bungleau wrote
"Hmmm... okay, if you've read the Tech Tips, then you know we need your operating system, directX version, memory, resolution, acceleration type, and a couple of other things to give you good answers"

In order of appearance: Win XP Professional (5.1, Build 2600) SP 1, DirectX 9.0b (4.09.0000.0902), 256 DDR 333 Mhz (Nanya is the brand of the memory if that's of any relevance) 800x600, D3D GeForce 4 MX 440 (version 52.16 - these are the latest I think).
Bungleau, I'll try what you suggested and post a pos/neg on what happened.

WillowIX wrote
"A part from your system specifications I would also like to know the exact size of ALL your town*.avi files. Right click them and give us all the information there please."

1. townavi\townhub1 - 33■572■864 bytes / size on disk - 33■574■912 bytes
2. townavi\townhub2 - 33■572■864 bytes / size on disk - 33■574■912 bytes
3. townavi\townhub3 - 33■572■864 bytes / size on disk - 33■574■912 bytes
4. townavi\townmsk1 - 33■572■864 bytes / size on disk - 33■574■912 bytes
5. townavi\townmsk2 - 33■572■864 bytes / size on disk - 33■574■912 bytes
6. townavi\townmsk3 - 33■572■864 bytes / size on disk - 33■574■912 bytes

Here's what i did with the avis. I opened each with Vdub decompressed it and then saved it as thub1 (resp thub2, 3; tmsk1, 2, 3). Then i deleted the original files and renamed the thub1 (...) to the respective names. If you want to (and you are able, since there are restrictions for you probably, i've put a pic of how things look on my site, errr just checked - my provider/site is down). If anyone wishes I'll send the pic to him. write me to and put in the subject line w&w pic.

Oh, and I've read Alex's message. I doubt the indeo codecs will do the trick. I have a Gygabyte 7VAX with VIA AC'97 Enhaced Audio Controller

[ 10-29-2003, 05:32 PM: Message edited by: yonkoc ]
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