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Old 09-25-2003, 11:55 AM   #1
Red Wizard of Thay
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Join Date: March 2, 2003
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Age: 45
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That is the question
Whether tis nobler to suffer the sling's and arrows of outrageous Scabbanian a sea of elemental flamestrikes, end them!

Or something like that!

After being awestruck with surprise at the novelty of acquiring my own trusty steed (yet to be named), I've just been enjoying a traipsing dilly trot accross the land! Going swimming on horseback is also jolly fun!

After stumbling upon the Toad Village, as Ukabu, I entered and did the quest to cleanse the toadem, but not after a very good entertaining fight - probably the biggest test for my humble level 6 party yet. I'm dreading the Serpent Temple, which shall be my next investigation. Finding it will be an adventure in itself! [img]smile.gif[/img]

Which brings me to a general question possibly covered in the Best Tips section, but as a general inquiry to all experienced players who read the W&W forums: At what particular level should one start to Ascend in roles?
I'm curious as to whether it matters if one didn't ascend until at least level 10 or something, which is what i'm considering. Or should one not hold off and make the role choices as quick as possible? (i.e when its affordable)
These kinds of questions make the character development aspect of this game very intriguing indeed! I'm cautious as to not ascend too hastily and yet not leave it until deep into the plot of the game.

Well, time to find the Serpent Temple via another visit to the Crypt for the Sword of Mastus, methinks! [img]smile.gif[/img]

I've really enjoyed reading the W&W forums thus far, its adding a nice friendly ingredient to an already pleasurable adventuring experience! Cheers all! [img]smile.gif[/img]


Incidentally, those spiders near the windmill are freakishly horrid!
I'd hate to encounter too many of those at night time!
Diddledy High, Diddledy Low,
Come Brave Blood Sheep,
You've a goodly way to go.
- Brilhasti Ap Tarj
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