Thread: LVS Awards?
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Old 09-03-2003, 01:54 AM   #5
Baaz Draconian

Join Date: August 6, 2002
Location: Singapore, youngest ever!!!
Age: 35
Posts: 731
what's more, bloodbath is a good spell if u can handle the hp loss, and it becomes even more useful if the caster has a huge amount of hp (meaning it does more damage) !
torchlight is a rather useless spell, but it is essential in the 1st part of the game where the 2nd lvl "light" spell is still quite far away.
i would say that Breath of Air of the Vine class is a plain useless spell unless you're playing real-time as a challenge, but still u can juz swim up to the surface again whenever u run out of air.......
all the artifacts spels are GREAT! use them for blessings and enchantments, and you'll nv hate them again.
now for the status inflicting spells.... they are useful against bosses where u want to torture them, but they turn useless when u are in a hurry to get somewhere and encounter a group of monsters along the way.
AIYA!!! overall, all the spells haf their ups n downs except a few (like breath of air), and this shows that they are all equal...
<img border=\"0\" alt=\"[knight]\" title=\"\" src=\"graemlins/knight.gif\" /> I am the Glacial Knight and will purge thy evil! (though this knight doesnt look so icicle...)
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