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Old 08-13-2003, 06:05 AM   #11
Elite Waterdeep Guard

Join Date: March 4, 2003
Location: Okinawa, Japan
Age: 68
Posts: 12
I want to thank all of you for the advice you have given. I was all set to convert all of my Boogre's back to their normal state but something that Bungleau said just kept beckoning me to try something different. As Bungleau wrote "Try it. There are no right or wrong answers in W&W, only experiences..."

I laid the game aside for a few days while pondering the decision but I am itching to get back into to it. I have never had so much fun playing a role playing game as I am with Wizards and Warriors. I can't wait to see what is lying ahead for me as I begin my travels to the The Wilderness Ocean.

I did have some failures with my Wizard casting after being changed to a Boogre but usually the next time my Wizard's turn came he was able to fire off the shot successfuly. With Firestorm the battle has been over pretty quick so once I do get the shot off it's time to move on. I may regret this decision later but it's something I will be wondering about over and over if I don't do it. I have a saved spot before using the eye and can always go back to it anyway. Maybe I need to transfer that save file to a safe location just in case.

I have also decided to leave my Rogue as a Boogre. Kind of gives my Wizard a female companion during the travels. My Rogue before was a small Ratling and it was good to have her in some of the tight spots I needed to crawl through. But I have a Dwarf leader that I am hoping can replace those needs if I need them again. As a Ratling she was always getting beat up pretty bad giving my Cleric a workout going between my Wizard who was an Oompahz to the Rogue Ratling in heals.

Well onward to the final battle grounds.

[ 08-13-2003, 06:08 AM: Message edited by: Shimoda ]
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