Thread: The SALAD Bar
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Old 04-30-2003, 03:10 PM   #8
Red Dragon

Join Date: January 23, 2003
Location: Denmark
Age: 45
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I have encountered them a lot in the big open area in the middle of the wilderness between Ishad N'ha and Brimloch Roon.
The mantraps and the jungle lilies are random creatures, but there are creatures that have got individual names and/or of which there is only one (and who are not npcs with whom one can engage in conversations). I was wondering if we could make a list of them???
Here is a list of those I can think of so far. Please, add those you can come to think of and correct me on those I have mentioned if they are wrong:

SCORTHIDON, the big scorpion found in the Dragon Spire (in the passage leading up to Kol).
THE PIT CRAWLER, in the Boogre Caves Arena. I have met sand crawlers but not any other pit crawlers.
(CANNOT REMEMBER NAME), the little imp guarding the small bridge leading to a gargoyle yank in the catacombs underneath Shurugeon Castle). (It has a couple of Xs in his name).
THE UNHOLY FILTH, in the serpent holds of the Serpent Temple. It looks like cavarn crusts and cave jellies (and whatever), but it is one of a kind and serves a special purpose in the game.
(CANNOT REMEMBER NAMES), the two senior hencmen of Cet's placed in his pyramid.(The two demons guarding the keys).
THE BLOODSTONE GRIFFIN, in the forest passage leading to the Stout Mine. I have never seen others.
THE AZMODIAN ROC, in the winding mountain passage leading to the Isle of Sands. I have never seen others.
(CANNOT REMEMBER NAME), the mermaid in Collasium who is Cet's scout and can transform herself.
(CANNOT REMEMBER DESIGNATION), the spectre who appears in the pool in the entrance hall of Shurugeon Castle when one leaves the castle for the first time.
HALEABUS, in Shurugeon Castle.
F'LOKIS RA, in the Crypt.
XYDUSA, in the Serpent Temple.
ELYSSIA, in the Serpent Temple.
MADA MABBIG, in Skull Castle.
(CANNOT REMEMBER DESIGNATION), the bone guard in the Shurugeon Castle Treasury. (not really an enemy, but one has to kill it.)
S'KESER DA, in the Boogre Caves
GINELENG, in the wilderness of Brimloch Roon
GOSHI-GIN, in the wilderness of Ishad N'ha (in the small grove accessed via the Boogre Caves.)
GOSHIN, in Skull Castle
THE THREE-HEADED HYDRA, in the wilderness of Brimloch Roon.

I know there are more, I just need to rest my head for a while. [img]graemlins/hehe.gif[/img]

The creatures I have listed here are the ones who 1) are one of a kind, 2) are always malignant, 3) may be monsters involved in a quest but do not have to wait for the quest to be activated to appear, and 4) do not engage in conversations.
The last criteria is especially tricky. Elyssia, for example, asks a question if one goes for the snakeskin trait. S'Keser Da talks a lot, but never engages in conversations.
So feel free to add anyone to the list, it does not have to be an exact list.
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