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Old 03-24-2003, 11:14 AM   #2
Red Dragon

Join Date: April 3, 2001
Location: Prague, Czech Republic
Posts: 1,586
1. Yes, it is of course. I would replace the rogue by a warrior class and try to role change this warrior into a barbarian ASAP. You have found the reason already: there is no guild in Valeia which the rogue can join. Therefore, the rogue is losing opportunities to train. A barbarian is a full sized rogue (in fact, a barbarian is much better than a rogue). Therefore, check the needed stats for a barbarian and try to create a warrior that could role change immediately to a barbarian. Note that you can donate in the temple, even if you aren't a member of the Priest guild, and improve your PRE by one each time you level up.

2. A difficult question. I am doing the following:
- Keep a role as long as you have some reason for keeping it. The reason can be a role specific trait, gaining spells, and so on.
- Try to reach "final roles" planned for your people (except zenmaster and valkyrie).
- Restart Adventures.
- Play the whole game from scratch with your final team.

3. Sorry. We have discussed it already. The nearest Pawn Shop (the Thieves Guild) is in Ishad N'ha.

4. Well, it's possible NOW. But you will see what will happen next. You have "too many HPs" at present, therefore, expect that you will be unable to get more than 1 or 2 HPs next level up. In the other words, you will lose all your effort to get HPs now.
Trying to get a good roll with HPs is futile. You can gain once or twice but then you get the dreaded "1 HP" and all your effort is gone. I consider a better idea concentrating on ability points and ignoring HPs completely. The ability points are controlled as well but you have a good chance to get 2 APs for a long time. This allows you to improve your characters quickly an to allow them changing roles soon. You always get your HPs in the end. You can play with low HPs some time but then you get a "bolus" surely.
My name is Demon\'s Last Day. Yes, the last one.
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