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Old 03-24-2003, 09:51 AM   #1
Elite Waterdeep Guard

Join Date: March 20, 2003
Location: Near Hamburg, Germany
Age: 53
Posts: 14
Iīm new in the W&W Universe and so I got a few Questions..

1. There are lots of Characters and many Roles.. what seems to be a good combination of Characters and Roles..?? My first Party is:

Human (male) Warrior
Dwarf (male) Warrior
Elf (male) Wizard
Elf (female)Wizard
Whiskah (female) Priest
Ratling (male) Rogue

Is this an acceptable crew??

2. I read in some threads about "guildhopping" with role changing and about the Levelup, but i didnīt found anything about the real role change.. What is a good time to change the role seriously? I think in level 5- 6 in the former role?!

3. I didnīt found a Thiefguild in Valeia and I think there is none. So what about my Rogue..? Is he condemned to earn less experiance, because he is not able to change his role in the guilds? Where is the thief guild? And is it a good idea, to wait with the guild-quests till I can travel to IshadīNa?

4. I read, that it is senseless to reload , when a char get an level up and get his Hitpoints and his ability points, because of tghe System the HP are generated by the Game.. and the number of ability points depends on the intelligence..
but I tried it.. my Warrior got after some reloads now three times 12 HP , so he is now lvl 3 and got 36 HP.. and sometimes he got 1, sometimes 2 and sometimes 3 ability points.. so Iīm not sure, that it is senseless to reload, isnt it??!!

Hope for some help

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