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Old 09-09-2002, 08:53 AM   #6
Drizzt Do'Urden

Join Date: March 16, 2002
Location: Wauconda, IL
Age: 67
Posts: 656
Welcome to the WW Board, Samara!!!!

I hope you're adventures...up to now...have been good
....but you should.....'drop by more often'.....if you could...

The Mantraps/Jungle Lilies, in the Booger Prison, are tough....because they are hard to seperate.
How did you deal with the mantraps in the shire? (between Ishad N'hahahaha and the prison)...and...Exactlly which group are you trying to fight now??? The ones at the exit (just down the hall from Pris'Kiel'a)...OR...the ones at the Idol of Aku???

As Kev and the others have mentioned...'Storm' spells work the best, and Always stay as far away as possible...

IMHO...It's best to do the Idol of Aku first. There is No real advantage to being a booger.(unless you're trying to impress Willow) The high HP's are not needed if you can fight at normal speed...and you're spells, will no longer fizzzle.

After you place the 'Eye'...Run!!!(make sure they are chasing you) Go to the end of the hall, wiggle to the left and go through the doors. If you stand at the top of the stairs..(half way between the wall and the stairs).The Lilies stop at the door. You can just stand there and hit them, with any range weapon you have. (I did it yesterday with Iceball...Thats all I had, no bows, darts, bombs, etc)

If you Must fight the others first....Follow Kev's lead....Run Away, Run away!!!! and cast from a distance.

I do remember someone posting that they Lured them into the 'Shockers'. Of course this miss out on all the XP.

Good luck...and Keep Us Posted!!!

[ 09-29-2002, 08:56 AM: Message edited by: Packrat ]
Packrat<br /><br />...sometimes your the windshield.....sometimes your the bug....
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