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Old 05-30-2002, 03:31 AM   #5
Red Dragon

Join Date: April 3, 2001
Location: Prague, Czech Republic
Posts: 1,586
The only advantage of a ranger is his Fletchery trait. Otherwise, the character is quite useless. He cannot use katanas. He cannot use 2 weapons - the only "second weapon" allowed to a ranger is a bow. Rangers suck.
As far as the trait is concerned, I do not know whether the trait works only if you are a ranger or whether you can change class. All warrior classes can use bows and arrows. Therefore, the bow shouldn't be the obstacle. Perhaps somebody on the forum knows more.
The trait seems to be the only money generator after installing the patch. Thus, think of a ranger if you are patched. Otherwise, I recommend to use rangers for getting the Vine magic and for nothing else. Get the magic and change class.
One final note about enchanting the arrow. As we can see, the Dragon Arrow is enchanted and duplicated. I daresay it's not the optimal solution. The Dragon Arrow is already enchanted twice. Therefore, you can add 10 blessings for damage or hit. Now, the cost of an enchantement doubles with every new enchantement of the same type. An arrow blessed 12 times for damage or hit is much more expensive and gives you much more money after duplicating and selling than an arrow with 10 enchantements, even if the later arrow itself is expensive. Therefore, I recommend to try blessing a super ordinary willow arrow 12 times and compare the money offered for it with the money offered for a 10 times enchanted Dragon Arrow.
My name is Demon\'s Last Day. Yes, the last one.
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