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Old 04-16-2002, 09:12 AM   #5
Ironworks Moderator

Join Date: January 7, 2001
Location: Rural Paradise, MI
Posts: 5,701
The wave just happened! I like it too!

To insert an image in a post you need to use a command/code:

is created by
using [img] followed by the web location of the picture which in this case is and then followed by [/img]

[img] [/img]

No spaces between all that stuffes - I just put them in so you could see how it is done.

Now don't go image crazy on me, please! I love seeing images now and then but if we all start adding bunches of them, it slows down the loading time of the thread, etc.

If everyone really wants to have a IMAGE HALL OF FAME or wosname - maybe once we get the sticky posts back, we can create a thread for that purpose.

My son and I have been creating masses of different bouncies of late and since they are so small, I've been testing a few here. The only thing I wish I could do here is use the html marquee command to make my tumbling mummy look like he was being blown across the post. That would have been "way kewl"!

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