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Old 11-04-2001, 10:50 PM   #1
Ironworks Moderator

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Sazerac, Editor
Contributing Photojournalist: Scronan

New Sport in the Gael Serran: Dragon Baiting

We have received word that a highly dangerous sport has arisen out on the Western Isles: that of Dragon Baiting. In this particular grisly sport, the dangerous red dragons are "charmed", then trained to attack one another in a ruthless display of dragon-on-dragon unto the death. Fortunes are said to be wagered on these games, conducted by the unruly pirates of the Lost Sea and adventurers who have spent far too much time running in and out of Gael Serran Inns.

As you can see in the above photo, two of the deadly dragons, "Rufus" and "Vomithane", are sparring. Not shown in the picture is a large crowd of pirates, Brimloch Brigands, Wyr Warriors, and adventurers screaming on their "favorite" to win. Between the dragons can be seen the purlieu of the wages: some gold, some trinkets, and .... THE MAVIN SWORD???

What manner of foul treachery can this be? Is the Mavin, the unholy instrument of the Black Fire, actually being WAGERED in such a heathen sport? Where have the common decency and morals of this generation of adventurers gone, who would dare to risk their very souls wagering the mortal instrument of the heavens in such a cheap and tasteless sport? What must the Lord Anephas think? Or Kerah, for that matter? What...

There is a winner! Vomithane the mighty has fallen, and Rufus, defending champion red dragon, retains his seat as the grand champion of the dragon fights. The adventurers, the winners, claim their prize and retain the Mavin Sword...for now. Tsk, tsk, tsk!

Here's a picture of the winner, Rufus. Mug for the camera, big guy!

Gahhh, what a HAM!

Although word of this dangerous and suspicious sport has reached the ears of Duke Brinsly of Brimloch Roon, there is no indication that he has any intention of stopping this sport. Time will tell if civilization will intervene, or if the government officials will sit back and watch fortunes "go up in flames."

Many thanks to our intrepid reporter on-the-scene, Scronan, for these excellent (and highly risky) shots. And don't worry...with an application of Erzebette's miracle salve, those burns should be healed in no time. Let's hope the hair grows back soon, too!

Keep watching for updates to THE GAEL SERRAN EXAMINER. Remember: Minds that need examining want to KNOW!

Sazerac, editor.
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