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Old 09-03-2001, 02:20 PM   #8

Join Date: March 5, 2001
Location: Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Age: 57
Posts: 428
The spaceship actually fits well, if you've played wizardry 6 and 7 (both by DWB, Wizards & Wariors' creator). At the end of Wiz 6, you learn that your quest is but part of a universal quest for domination by the "Dark Savant". At the end of that game you climb aboard a huge "metal bird" and are wisked away. Wiz 7 drops you on the planet of Lost Guardia, where once again you embroiled in the Dark Savant's drive to rule the universe; this time in a quest to find the "Astral Dominae", hidden on Guardia by Phoonzang, one of the fathers of creation from what I can glean.

But worry not! To date, the space aspect has featured in the story background, but not much in the actual play, which is for the most part your basic fantasy RPG. But it's also very intricate: several warring factions are competing for the same prize, both where you are, and universally. Which sides you choose determines how all the others will react to you, and what quest options will present themselves. Although wizardry 7 was graphically primitive by today's standards (released in 1992!), it was a very complex, sprawling game, requiring months of adventuring to complete (and multiple beginnings and endings!). Graphics aside, wiz 7 is the best game I've ever played; and I've never craved anything like I'm craving the release of wizardry 8.

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