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Old 08-27-2001, 03:25 PM   #6
Elite Waterdeep Guard

Join Date: August 26, 2001
Location: Vienna, Austria
Posts: 4
Hello again,

I've talked with the shaman about everything available and some things I came up with, including evil, toadem, toad warriors, toad people, etc. The trapdoor still doesn't open, but I think I'löl just give up this quest - it doesn't seem that important.
Concerning the graphics: I'm playing in software mode all the time now, it isn't that bad (or the D3D mode isn't that good).
The 'best tips' thread is great, you guys prevented me from training my priest into a monk before he could learn all the vine spells. The manual isn't very helpful in terms of role ascensions.
Right now, I'm trying to get past the Mantraps at Ishad N'ha. Whatever did the developers think putting such absurdly strong monsters into such can early part of the game? Well. I'll try the trick with hiding in the castle, I hope it works...
BTW, I 'accidentaly' equipped a cursed weapon, is there any way of getting it off again?

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